This Teenage Producer Managed To “Break The Internet” Through Voice Changing Software
An Interview With Edward Sylvan

19 year old Mir Mir seems to easily be one of the most unique artists to have recently come out of Chicago. From producing alongside 100 Gecs and Ayesha Erotica, one of Nitemare tags’ artists displays the soul in squandering through the modern day independent music scene. Assiduously taking part in viral music creations throughout social media, Mir Mir exemplifies a brand of music unable to be categorized in a black-and-white perception of genre.
. Is it safe to say Mir Mir has garnered over 10 million views and listens platform-wide? While overlooking his assistance in production and mastering behind various tracks, it is definitely a question in the books on whether or not keeping an anonymous name was worth the hold off on fame.
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How did you introduce yourself into this scene of underground music? How did you get involved?
I really think I was just in the right place at the right time. In middle school I found a collective of rap songs on youtube with pretty low numbers. I honestly just used the descriptions to get in touch with the artists and communities. We’d gather on calls and goof around and share projects like you did for group presentations in school. Eventually we’d end up with a song that we’d upload on soundcloud and it was sort of just like a thing only we’d listen to, until eventually more people found us and it was a bigger form of a small community.
What was your role in the making of these tracks?
The role depends on who I’m in touch with and who needs what from me. There are times where I’ve just been a set of eyes to sort of proofread a song that’s almost finished, [whereas] there have also been times where I’ve damn near done the whole project. Sometimes I’ll work on part of the beat, sometimes I’ll mix vocals, add effects, or even write.
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Mir Mir’s talents have been proven behind the names of other artists he has accompanied, and when taking the time to dive deep into the history of a particular sound, I can’t help but wonder why. Take, for example, his standings on Genius, which consisted of a whopping 28 songs, that ended up recently removed from the website upon his decision to pursue a, I quote, “one way identification as an artist”.
Utilizing the space as an oath to realness, we inquired more on why the young artist still decides to remain distant from the projects he’s taken part in… even after acquiring millions of streams total.
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Tell me more about why you remain anonymous after putting in all this work.
It’s not that I try and remain anonymous, I just don’t feel fully in-line and confident with holding that sort of pressure. Especially for a lot of the songs that I’ve only worked on the Serum or the Bass, or just stutter effects, I don’t think it’s fair to portion such credit when it should be due to the artist who sparked that idea for themselves.
Plus, I want to hold full bars and records for my own songs.
“Even though I seem to get less numbers when being the true me, I. still want that to be the picture I’ve painted for myself and others when associating with the main name.”
Can you give us the backstory on why your vocals are mixed differently across your music?
I never felt confident in my voice and I thought it was never meant for music. When I was younger I mentioned the thought of writing a song to someone I knew, and he just gave me a lecture about how music isn’t for me and you have to be born with a talent for it. That’s the root of the idea for changing it up, but I honestly just felt more satisfied in projects that sounded less like me.
How do you manipulate your vocal production to get the results you want?
People who don’t know production just label it all as autotune when it’s really so much more than that. I would try just about every plugin and button on the DAWS {Digital Audio Workstation] I’d use until I reach a point I mess with. I had to install a bunch of third-party plugins and disable certain notes on the autotune after recording in a very particular tone for the song I’d be making. I’d then have to make a bunch of separate wav files and pitch them up or down a bunch of times. “God knows how many viruses my poor computer has faced till now.”
I can see the music on your current soundclouds and spotify are very scattered and different from your past work, would you say you’re trying to move on to a new chapter in music?
Not really… I never took shame in it. Even when I did all that glitchcore shit with Novagang and Gooncity and Nitemare, people thought it was goofy and unserious at first but I was never hesitant to realize that music is a subjective thing and some people just see mine through a different approach. I can’t lie though, I almost never mentioned making music to anyone in person which is part of the reason I stood shy of the attention in some aspects. I didn’t think I could handle being told in the eyes by someone I know that my stuff is bad…
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It is not difficult to envisage that Mir Mir’s music is far from “bad”. Artists who go about their own means are what have been setting standards and catching the attention of a plethora of aspects in today’s result of pop culture and hip hop. After interviewing with Mir Mir I was able to realize that beneath the perception of an antsy and unconfident rapper lies an artist who has had his priorities and musical goals straight. Mir Mir possesses the attributes necessary to enforcing a unique and original scene of modern day music and artistry.
What’s next for Mir Mir isn’t any longer at question. As his personal numbers seem to be jumping in the same direction as the tracks he has co-produced in the past, it will not be surprising to watch him accumulate numbers in the thousands and millions that he once did, this time completely for his own. At the end of our interview, he provided a peak at an upcoming project; a sort of drill rap with a peculiar style, blemishing both his home languages, Albanian and English. First line of the verse:
“Kot e prish internetin
(I meaninglessly broke the internet”)
Expedienting the title, Mir Mir is again stating musical history in a way unable to resemble others, making it clear that this will be a song beyond capable of acquiring an introduction to a new wave of music. By request, Mir Mir has asked that we include a shout-out of the individuals who followed along his upcoming project, which has no clear release date yet.
“-Rini and Zym (featured artists)
4th and EU4EA at Dream Street Studios
DJ Class1ck
Himenez and Joat
“everyone who ever showed up to the shoot and shows love by keeping up with what I do… #A NITI’ ”